Steamed Hay Helps Horse Owners say "Whoa!" to Allergies

Airway inflammation, OTHERS Allergies, OTHERS

Steamed Hay Helps Horse Owners say "Whoa!" to Allergies

Haygain High Temperature Steaming reduces up to 99% of the respirable particles in hay and that includes many particles that trigger allergic reactions in our horses. That's why it's a...

3 min read

Allergies, OTHERS Behaviour, OTHERS

Spring Barn Cleaning Tips

Spring officially started a month ago, yet it's never too late to fulfill the urge to purge, clean and de-clutter. Horses and their humans benefit, and better breathing is a...

4 min read
Keeping stabled horses happy and healthy- by Sharon Smith MSc (award-winning Entrepreneur Scientist in the Equine Sector)

Behaviour, OTHERS Nutrition, OTHERS

Keeping stabled horses happy and healthy- by Sharon Smith MSc (award-winning Entrepreneur Scientist in the Equine Sector)

Sharon Smith MSc (award-winning Entrepreneur Scientist in the Equine Sector) discusses how to keep your stabled horse happy and healthy.

6 min read
The importance of a comfortable, good night’s sleep.

Behaviour, OTHERS Comfortstall, OTHERS

The importance of a comfortable, good night’s sleep.

Equine behaviour specialist Sharon Smith MSc SEBC(Reg) IEng BHSAPC discusses the importance of a good night's sleep for horses

4 min read
Some long-term impacts of foal management

Behaviour, OTHERS Foals, OTHERS

Some long-term impacts of foal management

Sharon Smith MSc SEBC(Reg) IEng BHSAPC investigates how we manage foals and what impact this can have on them long term.

5 min read