The importance of the horses respiratory system in health and performance, by Dr David Marlin - part 2

Equine asthma, OTHERS Respiratory disease, OTHERS

The importance of the horses respiratory system in health and performance, by Dr David Marlin - part 2

By Exercise Physiologist Dr. David Marlin

10 min read
The importance of the horses respiratory system in health and performance - part 1

Equine asthma, OTHERS Horse coughing, OTHERS

The importance of the horses respiratory system in health and performance - part 1

By Exercise Physiologist Dr. David Marlin

8 min read
Equine Asthma Breakthrough

Airway inflammation, OTHERS Equine asthma, OTHERS

Equine Asthma Breakthrough

Haygain’s long-standing commitment to research has recently resulted in significant progress toward identifying which of myriad allergens trigger inflammatory responses and other allergy symptoms in the horse.

5 min read
Equine Asthma: A new term for an old problem

Ambassador, OTHERS Equine asthma, OTHERS

Equine Asthma: A new term for an old problem

Drs. Kathleen Ivester and Laurent Couetil of Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine, West Lafayette, Indiana discuss Equine Asthma. 

3 min read
Haygain Ambassador Caroline Martin

Ambassador, OTHERS Equine asthma, OTHERS

Haygain Ambassador Caroline Martin

Top Lady Event Rider’s winning ways include horse health savvy.  

4 min read
It’s not just horses at risk from hay…what about your lungs?!

Dust, OTHERS Equine asthma, OTHERS

It’s not just horses at risk from hay…what about your lungs?!

We often discuss the effects of the stable environment on the health of our horses, but we shouldn’t overlook the fact we spend a lot of time in the same...

7 min read